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April Book Review: Time's Convert and The Wife Between Us

After hearing that I encouraged many of you to read some titles off of my 2018 Book List, I decided to start a monthly book review. My first review went live last month, in which I shared my opinions on Daisy Jones & The Six, The Book of Life, and Where the Crawdads Sing. Today, I’ll be talking about the books I read in April: Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness and The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen.

  1. Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness was a continuation of sorts of the All Souls Trilogy, the last book of which—The Book of Life—I read in March. This one was…okay. I got hooked on the All Souls Trilogy after watching A Discovery of Witches, the TV series inspired by this trilogy. Time’s Convert focuses on the stories of two characters who play smaller roles in the All Souls Trilogy, Marcus and Phoebe, and hone in on their experiences in becoming vampires. In my opinion, the writing wasn’t great and the storylines weren’t that strong. I’m just low-key obsessed with the characters, though, and will likely read any other book that comes out about them. If you’re an All Souls fan, read it. If not—meh, you can skip it.

  2. The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen is the perfect vacation read. It’s a simple, fast-paced page turner of a thriller that’s comprised of a few turns that I didn’t see coming. It is a little lengthy, though, and took me longer to get through than anticipated. I’d still recommend packing it in your bag or downloading it on your Kindle if you’re about to hop on a flight or head to the beach for a week. Add this one to your list! (And thanks, Susie, for the recommendation.)

Have you read either of these? If you have, what did you think? What are you reading right now? I’d love to know! Happy reading!